My Synopsys
My Synopsys
Benefits Service Center
Benefits Service Center
What You Need To Know
Life is full of events, both good and bad. And when you experience major ones — what we call “qualified life events” — you may need to update your benefits accordingly. Here are some of the main life events that allow you to make changes to your Synopsys benefits, along with the actions you’ll need to take.
Changes After Enrollment
Outside of the new hire enrollment period or the Open Enrollment period (which takes place each fall), you can only change your benefits if you have a qualified life event.
When you need to make benefits changes due to a life event change, log in to Benefitsolver, click Change Benefits and select Life Event. A life event change could mean you need to add or delete a dependent from your benefits, enroll in additional coverage, and update your beneficiaries. The deadline to make your changes is typically 31 days after the life-event effective date.