Complimentary one-on-one consultations
11 am–12 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Ask Fidelity Q&A Sessions
12–1 pm PT

Hear more about upcoming Plan contribution changes and get answers to your questions (or simply listen in on the discussion), register to join the virtual conversation.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

Complimentary one-on-one consultations
4 pm–5 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
10 am–11 am PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
3 pm–4 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
9 am–10 am PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
2 pm–3 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
2 pm–3 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
11 am–12 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
4 pm–5 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
10 am–11 am PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Complimentary one-on-one consultations
3 pm–4 pm PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions
Ask Fidelity Q&A Sessions
12–1 pm PT

Hear more about upcoming Plan contribution changes and get answers to your questions (or simply listen in on the discussion), register to join the virtual conversation.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

Complimentary one-on-one consultations
9 am–10 am PT

Let an experienced representative help you develop a comprehensive plan that integrates your Synopsys 401(k) Plan with your current and future financial goals.

Note: Employees will need to log in to Fidelity to register.

1:1 Sessions