Commuter Spending Account (CSA) Program
(877) 924-3967
Even if you can’t control traffic, street construction, or bad weather, our commuter benefit programs can help you control how much you spend on your trips to and from the office.
The Commuter Spending Account (CSA), administered by HealthEquity, lets you set aside pretax money from your paycheck to pay for qualified work-related travel expenses. If you ride public transportation to work, participate in a vanpooling program, or pay to park your car at work or at a park-and-ride station, the CSA can help you save money.
Every month, the amount you need to pay for your commute and/or to park can be deducted from your paycheck on a pretax basis, up to $325 per month for transit and up to $325 per month for parking for 2025.
Just follow these steps to get started with the CSA program:
All orders must be placed by the 10th of each month for the following month. For example, the order deadline for the March benefit month is February 10.
Finding an enjoyable and convenient way to get to Synopsys is easy, thanks to our partnership with Scoop. With the Scoop app, you can carpool with coworkers to make better use of your time, improve your wellbeing, and feel energized when you arrive at work.
The Scoop program, which is available only to employees located in the California Bay Area, offers free carpool rides and backup commutes with Lyft. Note: Per IRS regulation, the amount Synopsys pays for your Scoop ride is considered taxable income to you. Refer to your paycheck stub if you’d like to see how much you’re getting taxed.
Scoop makes carpooling work better for you by providing:
Follow these steps to get started with Scoop: