
Fidelity Planning and Guidance Consultants

Retirement Planning Assistance

(800) 603-4015

If you’re planning to retire in the next year, congratulations! Retirement is a major life milestone. As you prepare for this new phase of your life, we celebrate your service to Synopsys and your entire working career.

If retirement is further in your future, check out our Financial Tips by Age. You can also explore this retirement checklist to develop your personalized step-by-step game plan.

Here’s a timeline to help you organize your plans for retirement:

18 Months Before

12 Months Before

9 Months Before

6 Months Before

3 Months Before

2 Months Before

  • If you haven’t already done so, talk to your manager about your retirement plans. Be sure to schedule time to review your transition planning too.
  • Contact your HR representative once you and your manager have agreed on your last day at Synopsys.

1 Month Before

  • Confirm your departure date with your manager.
  • Start packing! If you need boxes, submit a request with Facilities.

Lastly, stay active and engaged! Exercise, social connection, and a sense of purpose will help you get the most from this next phase of your life.