person outside with the sunset

What You Need To Know

‌‌Thinking about pursuing some new wellbeing goals in January? The Synopsys Wellbeing program is designed to help you on your journey, whether you’re trying something new or sticking to your current plan. The program rewards you for taking action to enhance your health, like getting your annual screening, attending a coaching session, or participating in other wellbeing activities.

As you’re putting your wellbeing game plan together, consider these upcoming changes to our program.

What's Changing for 2025

Here are the key changes to the Synopsys Wellbeing program, effective January 2, 2025:

  • New plan year. We’re extending the program dates to give you more time to participate in activities and earn rewards! Instead of running May through August, the plan year will run January through December. The new program starts on January 2, 2025.
  • ‌New rewards. At the Sprout (Level 1) and Grow (Level 2) levels, you’ll receive Celebrating You points to support your wellbeing accomplishments. Spouses and domestic partners will earn badges. Gift cards will no longer be offered as rewards.
  • ‌Medical contribution credit changes. To get credit toward your 2026 medical contributions, you and your spouse or domestic partner must reach the Thrive level (Level 3) by September 30, 2025. This is a change from previous years, when you could earn your medical contribution credit by reaching Sprout level (Level 1). But the deadline has been extended to September 30, 2025, to give you more time to complete the steps.

How to Earn Rewards

Here's how the three reward levels will work, effective January 2:

Level 1: Sprout (500 Points)

‌Reward: 500 Celebrating You points (employee), Level 1 Badge (spouse or domestic partner).

The deadline to complete the wellbeing activities to recieve the Level 1 rewards is December 7, 2025.

Level 2: Grow (1,000 Points)

‌Reward: 1,000 Celebrating You points (employee), Level 2 Badge (spouse or domestic partner).

The deadline to complete wellbeing activities to receive the Level 2 rewards is December 7, 2025.

Level 3: Thrive (2,000 Points)

‌Reward: If you complete Level 3 during the reward period of January 2, 2025 through September 30, 2025, you get a Synopsys medical credit toward your 2026 medical contributions:

  • $10 per paycheck or $260 a year if just one person (you or your spouse/domestic partner) completes the activities
  • ‌$20 per paycheck or $520 a year if both you and your covered spouse/domestic partner complete the activities
  • ‌1,500 Celebrating You points in February 2026 if you waive Synopsys coverage for 2026

The deadline to complete wellbeing activities to receive the 2026 medical contribution credit or Celebrating You points is September 30, 2025. (Note: Each participant must have their own separate account to earn points or badges)

To get started, log on to your account at Synopsys Wellbeing. If you're a new participant, click Sign Up to create a new account, and download the Limeade ONE app once you've registered.

Important Year-End Updates

We recently announced our Global Year-End Break to give you some time to recharge and disconnect from work. The break was designed so the majority of Synopsys will take time off together, which will reduce meetings, emails, and other work activities during this period.‌

‌The break is December 25 – January 1, giving you additional paid time off between Christmas (December 25) and New Year’s Eve holiday (December 31). You’re highly encouraged to take this time off to enjoy whatever it is that helps you re-energize.

Fidelity Q&A Sessions for 401(k) Match Increase

‌As we get closer to the year end and look forward to the beginning of 2025, we encourage you to use the Fidelity Q&A opportunities to learn about the match updates to our 401(k) plan. Register here for one of the Fidelity virtual meetings:

  • Friday, December 13 at 12 p.m. PT
  • ‌Monday, December 16 at 12 p.m. PT

Published December 2024

Summary Annual Report (SAR)

‌Visit the Benefits Annual Notice SharePoint page to review the 2023 Summary Annual Report (SAR) for the Synopsys Health & Welfare and Short Term Disability (STD) plans.

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