Surrogacy Program and Adoption Assistance

Surrogacy Program

Synopsys will reimburse you up to $10,000 per calendar year per surrogacy for qualified surrogacy expenses. Examples of reimbursable expenses include:

  • Surrogacy agency or legal fees
  • Attorney fees for both intended parents and the surrogate
  • Court fees
  • Embryo transfer costs
  • Medical expenses related to the surrogate’s pregnancy (which may include but are not limited to the surrogate’s maternity insurance, deductible, and coinsurance)
  • Travel expenses for the intended parents or surrogate related to the surrogacy
  • Fees associated with the purchase of fresh or already-frozen donor tissue
  • Egg- or sperm-donor screening costs

Important tax considerations: The benefits paid under this program are not excludible from income.

For additional information, review the Synopsys Surrogacy Program Overview or email

Adoption Assistance

Synopsys will reimburse a family up to $10,000 per adoption for documented out-of-pocket expenses. Examples of reimbursable expenses include:

  • Agency placement fees
  • Court costs
  • Legal fees, and
  • The birth mother’s non-reimbursed medical expenses related to the birth of the adopted child.

Requests for reimbursement must be submitted no later than 6 months after the completion of the final adoption.

The adoption assistance program does not include stepchildren or relatives. For additional information, email

How to Submit a Reimbursement Claim

You can request reimbursement for qualified surrogacy expenses by submitting a completed Surrogacy Assistance Reimbursement Form and supporting receipts to Requests for reimbursement must be submitted within six months.